Website Development – Prestolite Wire
Our Website development discovery process enables a quick and deep dive into a client’s company and its markets, culminating in a well-appointed and search engine optimized Website.
Prestolite, a manufacturer of automotive wire for OEMs and the aftermarket, needed a new Website with greater relevance for its target markets. The company also required an employee Intranet and an Extranet for its Aftermarket Wholesale Distributors.
The Website development plan included new public and aftermarket partner portions. The public site was designed to reflect the company’s recent branding enhancements and to provide detailed product data. An automated RFQ function was created to generate quotation requests with a simplified configuration path for OEM products. The Aftermarket portion of the site carries relevant product information for professional mechanics, including installation tips and troubleshooting. The Extranet provides support information, artwork and material downloads, and a literature center. The Employee Intranet is a complete HR resource, offering pertinent company information, job applications, insurance and insurance processing information, and much more.
To boost traffic to the public site, we utilized a number of SEO techniques. A typical month for the new site included over 3,000 unique visitors averaging 6.3 pages per visits and 1,763 downloads. In addition, over 6,100 keyword searches were conducted leading users to the site. All of these factors represented a significant increase in overall site performance.